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Have you had any experience with different forms of decision-making (participatory budgeting, citizens' juries, citizens' assemblies, ...)? Tell us your experience!

Forums > Discuss & Contribute > Have you had any experience with different forms of decision-making (participatory budgeting, citizens' juries, citizens' assemblies, ...)? Tell us your experience!

Have you had any experience with different forms of decision-making (participatory budgeting, citizens' juries, citizens' assemblies, ...)? Tell us your experience!

Alice Leal
Sat 16 Nov 24 11:50

In the Viennese 14th district, there was a participatory budget led by the left-wing local council back in 2021. All residents were informed of the project, which was made available (in German only) via a website. Residents were encouraged to suggest something, including a plan and budget, and to post it on the website for other fellow residents to vote on their proposed initiatives. Those initiatives with the most votes got implemented by the council. Though itself commendable and promising, the participatory budget could have profited from a face-to-face basis at the stage when proposals were made, so that fellow residents could vote based on more detailed information on the proposals. The website only allowed for a quick description of the initiative, so my impression is that those proposals got through which already reflected what most residents wanted to felt was important. There was little room for debate or "persuading" others to see topics beyond what they already knew. More intersectional, minority-related topics had no chance... 

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