EU-CIEMBLY: Creating an Inclusive European Citizens’ Assembly addresses the need for the introduction of new forms of citizens’ participation and deliberation in EU political life.
ENG - Our project aims to create a prototype for a Citizens’ Assembly that addresses issues of intersectionality, inclusiveness, and equality.
GR - Το έργο μας αποσκοπεί στη δημιουργία ενός πρωτοτύπου για μια Συνέλευση Πολιτών που θα ασχολείται με θέματα διατομικότητας, συμμετοχικότητας και ισότητας.
Have you participated in a Citizens’ Assembly in your community, country, or at the EU level? What did you enjoy about the experience? What would you like to see done differently?
We would like to hear from you! How do you envision an inclusive EU Citizens’ Assembly?